Thank you for pointing out the mistake.
Re-run model select Table
nPars AIC delta AICwt cumltvWt
hnLC_. 3 271.39 0.00 1.0e+00 1.00
hnLC_Team 4 324.78 53.39 2.6e-12 1.00
haz._. 3 352.00 80.61 3.1e-18 1.00
hn._. 2 361.13 89.74 3.3e-20 1.00
hn._Team 3 363.11 91.72 1.2e-20 1.00
haz._LC 4 370.52 99.13 3.0e-22 1.00
hazTeam_LC 5 372.52 101.13 1.1e-22 1.00
hazTeam_. 4 408.84 137.45 1.4e-30 1.00
distsamp(formula = ~Team ~ Landcover, data = TruncUMF, keyfun = "halfnorm",
output = "density", unitsOut = "ha")
Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
(Intercept) -2.38 0.128 -18.7 7.86e-78
LandcoverWetland -1.04 0.179 -5.8 6.57e-09
Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
(Intercept) 4.502 0.112 40.30 0.000
TeamB 0.195 0.135 1.44 0.149
AIC: 324.777
hazTeam_LC # show model output
distsamp(formula = ~Team ~ Landcover, data = TruncUMF, keyfun = "hazard",
output = "density", unitsOut = "ha")
Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
(Intercept) -2.49 0.105 -23.60 3.47e-123
LandcoverWetland -1.07 0.178 -6.01 1.89e-09
Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
(Intercept) -11.08 4099 -0.00270 0.998
TeamB -8.88 2892 -0.00307 0.998
Estimate SE z P(>|z|)
-14.4 NaN NaN NaN
AIC: 372.5179
Question 1: The detection and density estimate outputs only show assessments for one category (e.g., Wetland and Team B). How do you get estimate outputs for grassland and team A?
I also tried evaluating the covariate models:
Model selection based on AIC:
hnLC_. 3 271.39 0.00 1 1 -132.70
hnLC_Team 4 324.78 53.39 0 1 -158.39
haz._. 3 352.00 80.61 0 1 -173.00
hn._. 2 361.13 89.74 0 1 -178.56
hn._Team 3 363.11 91.72 0 1 -178.56
haz._LC 4 370.52 99.13 0 1 -181.26
hazTeam_LC 5 372.52 101.13 0 1 -181.26
hazTeam_. 4 408.84 137.45 0 1 -200.42
Model selection based on AICc:
K AICc Delta_AICc AICcWt Cum.Wt LL
hnLC_. 3 274.39 0.00 1 1 -132.70
hnLC_Team 4 330.49 56.10 0 1 -158.39
haz._. 3 355.00 80.61 0 1 -173.00
hn._. 2 362.46 88.07 0 1 -178.56
hn._Team 3 366.11 91.72 0 1 -178.56
haz._LC 4 376.23 101.84 0 1 -181.26
hazTeam_LC 5 382.52 108.13 0 1 -181.26
hazTeam_. 4 414.55 140.16 0 1 -200.42
Model selection based on QAICc:
(c-hat estimate = 1.679429)
K QAICc Delta_QAICc QAICcWt Cum.Wt Quasi.LL
hnLC_. 4 171.74 0.00 1 1 -79.01
hnLC_Team 5 208.62 36.88 0 1 -94.31
haz._. 4 219.74 48.00 0 1 -103.01
hn._. 3 221.65 49.91 0 1 -106.32
hn._Team 4 226.35 54.62 0 1 -106.32
haz._LC 5 235.86 64.12 0 1 -107.93
hazTeam_LC 6 244.66 72.92 0 1 -107.93
hazTeam_. 5 258.67 86.94 0 1 -119.34
Further problem: I couldnāt get the code right for the summed model weight for team and landcover covariates.