Downloading Che Tao NR from Protected Planet

Dear Dr. Lucy,
Hello! on module 2 of my study, under the topic" Resolution and Extent", I can’t download the Che Tao Nature Reserve boundary dataset as I can’t place its location/name from the protected area suggested on the module. Any hint on that? Thank you!!

Hi @mamushmiss , I don’t understand exactly the problem that you’re having. If you go to the Che Tao NR download link, you should see a green ‘Download’ link at the top right of the page, as here:

Does that help? If not, can you tell us more about what is not working? Thanks

Thank you very much for the immediate response. Of course I found the green download link but I can’t choose the right one from the pop down lists/ CSV,SHP,…/ when I click on it. I tried to download & see all of them but they look PDF or Excel files to me. Which one should I choose to proceed from the ‘Download’ pop down lists? Thank you very much once again.

Thanks for clarifying! I recommend you:

  1. Select SHP, then Non-Commercial use
  2. Unzip the downloaded file
  3. Alongside many other folders and files within it, you’ll now see WDPA_WDOECM_Jun2021_Public_555594126_shp _0 .zip. Unzip this second .zip file to extract the contents
  4. You’ll now be able to add the .shp to your QGIS project

Well received !!! you are handy and humble. Thank you!!!

Thanks mamushmiss. I had was struggling with this too. Am so excited that Lucy is always there to quickly respond.

Thanks to you both! :slight_smile:

Lucy, could you please tell me where to find the module 2 notes like in Module 1. I mean the steps to bringing the che tao Nr layers on the map?

For Module 2 I deliberately provided less detailed instructions, to help you start moving towards self-sufficiency. I know it does increase the difficulty for those who are completely new to QGIS, especially when you have to download a zip file that contains lots of unnecessary files!

If you combine the information in my earlier reply with the Resolution and extent page here is that enough to move you forward? If not, at what point are you getting stuck with the Che Tao NR layer?

I won’t incorporate the more detailed advice until I update the course materials later this year.

Not so quick to respond this time - my apologies!

I wanted to use my previous work (module 1 map) and bring those layers on but whenever I try it bounced back. That is the che ta nr layer

I’m sorry, @mama_lor - I don’t understand what you mean by

Can you share a screenshot of what QGIS looks like when you try to add the Che Tao NR layer?

Hi Lucy, I am unable to proceed beyond step 2 of the task in Module 2 because I can not download the Che Tao Data. Access Denied!
Please how do I proceed? Thanks.

Sometimes this error occurs when your IP address is blocked by the Protected Planet server. Unfortunately there’s nothing we can do about that, but you can still continue with the course and complete all the assignments even without access to the Che Tao boundaries layer.

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Thanks so much Lucy. I did complete all the assignments and I was able to finish all the modules.

Please what’s next? Is there a follow up course?
Also, will the modules and the resources be available for future reference or revision?
Many Thanks.