What is your map's message?

I want to show on my map, the distribution of the Titicaca Grebe (Rollandia microptera), and its abundance in relation to the habitats that exist in the Titicaca National Reserve.

@ConstanceSchere your topic is of interest to me. i would like to know how you will show at a temporal scale the changes in mudflat due to rise in sea level

@Juliana part of my study is based on carbon isotope in sea turtles and for that, I have to make an isoscape of the sea . u r isotopic representation in QGIS will be interesting.

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@chela our work coincides partly. i will be showing the threats along with the nesting sites.

My map to be created will be a Distribution of Perez´s common Frog (Pelophylax perezi) in the “Sierra de enmedio” my personal study area for my Master´s project: A mountain area in the south od Spain

You only can find this frog in a couple of pools in this dry area (South of spain)

I will include my personal observations of this specie from my personal database, and we will compare the distribution with the land use of this study area.

my map will show the distribution of elephants in Gwamba forest in Nkayi

to show cheetah ditsribution and sightings in Ghanzi, Botswana

I would like to create a map of beaver dams currently in the Upper Salinas River in California. I’d also like to include some sort of vegetation data to represent the ecosystem effects of beaver presence in the area.

I want to show the distribution of the Southern Ground Hornbill’s populations in different provinces in South Africa

Thanks bro!! It would be a good idea :slight_smile: I hope to do it!!

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I would like to create a map of bat sightings with an overlay of a species distribution model. Ideally, readers would conclude that bats have been sighted in only a small portion of their potential range.
The layers would be: one containing points where bats have been spotted, one raster layer of a species distribution model’s predictions, and one to provide context (basemap of the area). Other layers that could be included to show conservation context include a layer showing the pest trapping network, and a layer showing the area surveyed. However, these two might add too much complexity.
Features would be drawn on by using; simple points for sightings, and a gradient for the raster showing darker colors for higher probability.

I would like to show viewers that my various sampling sites cover a locally heterogeneous landscape, in terms of climatic variable.
Roads and topography may be useful for context, but key will be the sample sites themselves, as well as a raster layer with rainfall, and another on a second map with temperature. NDVI may be useful also, if it is available.

I hope I could able to show 1) the distribution of the birds in the forests that associated with 2) various degrees of human disturbance through my map.

I would like my map to show the distribution of white rhino in thicket in a reserve in Northern Zululand, South Africa.

The message i want to tell about is the distribution of microarthropods as species indicator to different habitats.

I would like to map the guassa grass grower beneficiaries.

In this unit, I want to learn to represent unique features of the landscape that determine the existence of endangered and rare animals such as gibbon. Any map that shows habitat characteristics would be important. To provide the context, it would be interesting to know the role of environmental conditions such as the forest conditions and the importance of the water features.

I would like to create a map of Malta’s protected areas and make it clear how much more we need to protect by showing the ever increasing urban & agriculture land cover. I have the datasets for the protected areas but I am not sure where to get the other data yet (maybe from Opernicus/ Global Land Cover?)! I come across maps that have been produced showing this info but they are always missing the names of localities or one is unable to zoom in and see the detail which is frustrating as I really believe that giving the general public more knowledge should help in being able to protect nature.

I do not have my own data later yet, but I want to create weather maps

I currently do not have my own data, but in the future it will probably be species distribution over a specific area