How to request a certificate of completion?

Hi Lucy i need help I have completed the course but I have a problem on how to record links in order to fill the form in order to receive certificate of completion

Hi Lucas, can I get back to you on this next week? We’ll sort it out, don’t worry. In the meantime, could you give more details on what the At what point are you stuck:

  1. Finding the URL of your submissions
  2. Understanding the submission form,
  3. Getting the form to accept your data…?
  1. Finding the URL for my submissions

Hi Lucas,

You can copy the link for any community forum post by clicking on the
image button below the post

I’ve added this information and embedded the submission form here: Introducing GIS for conservation | Certificate

Thanks for your patience - I was on leave last week

Thanks Lucy I have already submitted the form and I am waiting for certificate of completion

Hello ma’am…please I still don’t understand how to request for the certificate of completion via the links…I can’t find any link or know where to get the link on the platform

I see from the assignment submission form that you’ve managed to figure this out and submit your request for a certificate - well done!

Hi Lucy how far are you with distribution of certificates of completion

I’ve just issued certificates for all those who a) requested one and b) qualified by submitting all assignments satisfactorily. If anyone was expecting a certificate and hasn’t yet received an email from Badgr inviting you to claim your badge, please let me know! Thank you

Well done to those of you who achieved a certificate! :fireworks: :tada:

Good day Lucy i have requested certificate and I have submitted all the assignments but I did not receive it.

Thanks for your message, Lucas - I’ll check my records. It may be that one of your assignment screenshots didn’t demonstrate that you had successfully added all of the datasets or map elements for that assignment. I’ll review and come back to you with specific feedback

Still waiting for respont

Lucy Tallents i am still waiting for feedback for why I am not receiving certificate of completion

Hi @Telegram2 , as you can see, you have been awarded badges for assignments 1 and 3, but your assignments 2 and 4 fail to demonstrate that you have grasped all the necessary skills to pass this course

I suggest you review your assignments, compare them with others, and consider what elements are lacking from your own assignments which may have caused me to hesitate in awarding you a badge for them. Your assignments should clearly demonstrate a progression in the spatial data incorporated into your project, and how those data are displayed.

For example:

  • Have you demonstrated successful completion of the learning steps for that week by displaying the newly-added layers?
  • Have you zoomed in to an appropriate area to best demonstrate your incorporation of new datasets?
  • Are your layers ordered and symbolised such that the new information is visible?
  • Have you included all of the necessary elements on your map so that readers can understand the location, orientation and meaning of the spatial data displayed in your map?

Add a comment to each of your assignments identifying weaknesses or areas on which you need assistance. I will review and respond to your comments with my feedback. This process is designed to encourage and develop your self-reflection skills, rather than remaining completely reliant on the tutor to tell you what is lacking in your work

Please ma,
I’ve been expecting my certificates
I’m still yet to receive mine @LucyTallents .

I can see that you’ve submitted 3 out of 4 assignments, and of those, received a badge for assignments 1 and 2. Your module 3 assignment screenshot displayed the same layers as assignment 2, so it wasn’t clear what further progress you had made in week 3.

I don’t see a module 4 assignment submission from you, and it wouldn’t be fair to others if I allowed you to earn a certificate when you didn’t submit your attempt at all four assignments before the deadline.

If you’re still motivated to continue your learning, please see my response to Lucas (Telegram2) above for general advice on how to figure out what may have been missing from your assignment 3

I have submitted assignment 4 but it has some missing data as I stated but the system it doesn’t allow me to resubmit i have corrected all my mistakes but only the system not allowing me to resubmit

You can reply to your original assignment 4 post, or at the end of the Module 4 assignment: Making maps with your resubmission

As I’m saying my original assignment 4 has some missing data meaning the legend and scale are incorrect even the map is incorrect because from assignment 2 i did not zoom in and out, I started correcting my assignment from assignment 2, 3 and completed assignment 4 successfully with correct map, map scale and legend

Your response to quest for the certificate is true, but sincerely " is there any consideration for been part of the program? because l put in my time, resources and other things.
So please ma, I’ll be very glad if there should be a consideration.

The last assignment actually l did not submit it due to the condition I find myself into.

Sincerely, l would love to have the certificate for having a basic understanding in the aspect of GIS
Thanks for your favourable consideration hoped for and for your kind response