I would like to show the locations of multiple small offshore islands where my study takes place.
I would like to create a map which shows the different type of plants found in Penang’s tropical rainforest along with its hiking routes and rest areas.
Since you plan to show seagrass change over time, what time periods will you use? and how many snapshots in time do you have data for? Do you plan to use raster or vector images to show the seagrass distribution? How will “growth” and “establishment” be measured? (In a value for an attribute table? what types of data will measure these?)
Your idea to compare seagrass inside and outside MPAs is related to my own work.
You can check out the open access article here:
What data type will represent a seagrass patch? vector or raster? How will you represent density or shoot length? as values for each patch? (averaged from field collected data) or as a single cell (for raster) with a specific density and shoot length value?
It seems like these are two different scales for maps since the seagrass patch is a much smaller scale than the seagrass distribution along the whole Gulf of Mexico. You can also categorize the “healthy” versus “not healthy” patch (vector) or cell (raster).
I would like to make a map showing locations of houses surveyed (using GPS coordinates taken before the household interviews), overlayed on the layers of mangroves and seagrasses in that island and only using village names (no other details of roads or other features). The layer of mangroves and layer of seagrasses are raster layers provided by collaborators.
I would like to map the distribution patterns of the marine crustaceans in Southeast Asia in the aspects of the genetic divergence and evolutionary processes such as gene flow. The map should contain the information of ocean current to explain the possible migratory paths
I would like to map distribution of painted dogs in relation to vegetation type.
To illustrate the location of sample locations and, more likely, the environmental quality connected with them.
To show my sample sites as points across the South African coastline and include a raster showing sea surface temperature.
South Africa has 4 biogeographic regions across the coastline from cold temperature on the west coast, warm temperate on the south coast, subtropical on the east coast and tropical higher up the east coast (roughly). Cape Dwarf eelgrass is interesting because it is found in all of these regions and inhabits a fair range in temperatures. I would like to demonstrate this in my map, as well as including the sample sites to show that we have sampled across these different regions.
@Megan nteresting topic to map One way of approaching this is to have one “Print Layout” (may be at A3) which has 4 “Map Elements” in it representing each of the 4 biogeographic regions. It may be possible then to show each area in more detail but still all on the same “page” and allow the “sample sites” to be clearer within each map.
This type of mapping also is ideal for the “Map Atlas” which allows a single “print layout” to be produced but then a “multipage” PDF or “mutliple map images” can then be created for the different regions all in one go.
The “MapAtlas” function is great if you want to show the same information but over different geographical units.
My map’s message is to show the distribution of gibbons and their threats. If I had my own data I would be interested in showing the distribution of wildlife within the different land use types (private nature reserve, national park, hunting reserve etc) and then to top it off the different vegetation ecoregions and their degradation levels. This would potentially be too much in one map but a map can serve several functions in one go, a sort of all-in-one when looking at potential correlations between variables like management and protection model
In my map I would like to show the multiple sampling sites where ground dwelling spiders affected by grazing within a cattle ranch were samples together with their control sites
I would like to show communities/villages where education team did awareness campaign on vaccinating domestic dogs. However,I do not have coordinates of the villages. Instead, I will show represent gibbon sightings survey 1 and categorise threats evidence to wildlife provided by The Che Tao NR staff. The second will increase my knowledge on how to import data from a spreadsheet
The main purpose of my map is to show the camera trap stations, also the near villages and the rivers. All over a layer of the vegetation of the study area.
The message I want to represent in my map is the latitudinal gradient of nitrogen and carbon stable isotopes for the patagonian sea shelf. I picture it as a colorfull raster showing the isotopic distribution as a color gradient.
I want to show a map with distribution and area of action of introduced mammals related to penguin colonies. The main idea is to create an upgradeable map to show where mammals and penguins interact (within the colonies: center or periphery, and where in the islands). With that information and other data collected from other analysis, create and design a management plan to conserve colonies of breathing seabirds.
The purpose of my map will be to show the location/distribution of plant species along a section of a creek using polygons and to calculate the percentage area covered by each species. I also want it to show the location of sites along the creek used to sample aquatic fauna.
I want to show the spots were the sea turtles nest are in our study beach.
Just curious. Are you thinking of using individual point data to represent distribution or a polygon to show extent and area. I’m also wondering how you will distinguish habitat types as boundaries are often fuzzy.