QGIS installing

I download free, open-source software from https://qgis.org like this
https://ftp.osuosl.org/pub/osgeo/download/qgis/windows/QGIS-OSGeo4W-3.16.7-1-Setup-x86_64.exe, it cannot installing QGIS. Any one who help me?

Download the file and later continue with installation. It works well. Or better still visit the qgis.org platform, click on previous versions and select the 3.16.7 setup file for your computer’s capacity. Download then install.

Make sure you download the correct version of the software for your computer device (eg.32bit or 64Bit version, Windows/Linux/IOS versions.

5 posts were split to a new topic: QGIS on my phone?

Thank you!
,there is unknown problem with my computer for downloading and I installed the other version of QGIS 2.6.1

thank you!
I will try it

Thank you!
I tried to download the correct version of QGIS 3.1.6. 64 bits and windows 7.

Hello, this might be a simple thing to solve but, I cannot instal the QGIS in my Mac with Big South… does anyone have the same problem? If you can help me I would be very appreciated.